We often get folk saying to us that running a distillery must be non stop fun. And while we love what we do it isn't all sippin' on gin and juice, it's sometimes a little more slates and roofs.
Our next door neighbour Donald, who also happens to be the former owner of Nunton Steadings, has been helping us with some roof repairs as we start to bring our beautiful building back to life.
We use Ballachulish slate which originates from a quarry on the West Coast of Scotland. Established way way way back in 1692, at its peak (in 1845!) the quarry supplied over 26 million slates. Since closing in 1955 no new slate has been produced, so there is now an understandably diminishing supply. Luckily, we know someone who knows someone who has access to an old derelict doctors house and we were lucky enough to be given some spare slate from this valued source. So with our slate secured and now in place we can now breathe a sigh of relief as the seasons change and we get our distillery building all set for a downpour of another kind.